BELCH is co-sponsoring an MS150 team along with friends at Town Hall Brewery in Minneapolis. 

Last night we hosted a silent auction at Town Hall which raised over $4,000 to go towards MS research. $1 from each Town Hall beer also went towards the cause. 

Doing good, and having fun! 

Beer Brew

March 11, 2015


Winter has become a prime time to hone in our craft of what used to be making mediocre beer. What used to be mediocre is quickly becoming pretty dang good.

Apparently having the right equipment can make a bit of a difference in this 'sport'...something that has never helped me in biking. We brewed a pretty big IPA, got inebriated, put a summer sausage in a vice and cut it with a hacksaw because we didn't have a knife, and I eventually 'went to sleep' on a living room floor that was not my own. 

Seen below is Brewmaster and BELCH Photographer Scott.

An action shot of the summer sausage cutting. 

And behold, our finished product. Not only does it look pretty, it's dang tasty. We're proud of this one folks. 


Frozen Gopher 2015

February 16, 2015


We had a great time hanging out and having fun at the Frozen Gopher 2015. The Frozen Gopher is a laid back race in which any skill level can feel comfortable participating. They managed to scrape together a couple inches of snow and about 4 degrees for a pleasant ride, we scraped together some beers for a pleasant after-party. 

It's always a bunch of fun to meet the fine folks that attend these events.  


Kamloops Fun

November 10, 2014


We received this picture or our friendly Kamloops Ambassador Dave Blackmore the other day, sporting his BELCH shirt while proudly wearing his Master of Cermonies fat bike tube for the Kamloops Bike Riders Association meeting.

With that big ol' grin on his face we're going to assume he's got a beverage in each of the hands that we can't see.






October 21, 2014


Had a great time with friends at Cuyuna this past weekend. What made it even more fun is that it was my wife's first time out to a real mountain bike trail. Her steed for the journey was a 2015 Salsa Beargrease courtesy of Salsa Cycles. She did great and we all managed to enjoy a perfect day followed by a perfect evening. 

Cuyuna is a great place on a bunch of levels. It's super fun, super scenic, and has a great flow to it. Something a more experienced rider can really enjoy, while a complete novice rider doesn't need to feel intimidated. 

Below is what happens when you scrape together random GoPro footage to make the best storyline you can come up with. 




Filthy 50

October 14, 2014


This past weekend we had an awesome time participating at the Filthy 50 gravel race in Stewartville, MN. By participate, I mean we shared and drank beer. 

The Filthy 50 is a free race in its 2nd year put on by Trenton Raygor. He's done a hell of a job making this a well organized, friendly, and fun event. There were 343 riders at the event. 

We furnished two kegs of Miller High Life to help racers with post-race hydration. The thirsty riders made quick work of our contribution.  

The thing we love about these events is the people. We always have a great time meeting new folks, and reconnecting with old folks. 

We were thrilled to produce the custom jerseys for the event. We handled the pre-order for the event jerseys, and we'll be handling the fulfillment of all the jerseys once they are produced. Slick! 

BELCH vs. Castelli

October 08, 2014


BELCH   Castelli  

Castelli undoubtedly makes great gear. Really great gear. They even tout 'an unfair advantage'. Some guys that take themselves way too seriously might even bite on that marketing tagline. 

This past season a very non-scientific study was conducted at our favorite local bike shop. A rack full of Castelli cycling jerseys at an $80 price point were set next to a rack full of BELCH cycling jerseys bumped up to an equal $80 price point. 

The awesome results? BELCH outsold Castelli 1.2-to-1. Now I wouldn't say we crushed the competition because a) we didn't and b) I'd sound like an overly competitive douche which most certainly isn't the BELCH mantra, but nevertheless we were pleased with the results. 

Starting an apparel brand that spreads its reach primarily via the internet can be a slow go for people that have never had a chance to touch or feel the product you're asking them to spend $70 bucks on. But once they do get it into their hands --- whabam!!



BELCH Brew Ride

August 19, 2014


Beer Ride   Fun  

Recently we completed our Inaugural BELCH Brew Ride in Minneapolis. It was a bit of a concerning start with buckets of rain falling from the sky, but just as we got out and began pedaling the sun broke through and shined down and it turned out to be a beautiful day. The Beer Gods knew. 

We started the day at LTD Brewing, followed by Steel Toe, 612, and then finished at the Sociable Cider Werks block party. 

We weren't going fast, but the ride was definitely a blur. 

We recently received these great pics from a happy BELCHer out of Kamloops, Canada rocking our Red Plaid. It's great to see smiles in every frame! 


Dave Blackmore - rider / Brad Heyman - photographer


This past weekend we strolled up to Duluth, MN to watch some ambitious folks run Grandma's marathon. Running in the race was my sister (first time marathoner) and her husband. Couldn't be more proud to watch those two a) start b) finish c) beat their goals for time. 


Jamie rounding the bend on a mission to catch his pace group. 


Anne Marie taking a moment to high five to her biggest supporters. 


Sporting a little BELCH flare post race.